Pre Baptism Program (Infant Baptism)
Registered parishioners may begin arrangements by completing the paperwork packet available in the literature rack of the Church and in the Parish Office. Once it is completed, along with completed sponsor forms from the parish where the godparents actively attend, please call the Parish Office during Office Hours to arrange a time for you to bring it. At that time you will select a date for the Baptism with a priest. A Baptism preparation class is required. Parents and godparents must attend this class.
Adult Baptisms (RCIA)
Unbaptized adults wishing to join the Catholic Church are invited to attend inquiry sessions leading up to acceptance into the Order of Catechumenate. Adults who have been validly baptized and who wish to complete their initiation within the context of the Catholic faith community by the reception of the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation are welcome to experience the catechumenate process with those preparing for Baptism.